Brake It Up: Do Your Brakes Need an Inspection?

Fully operational brakes are the number one priority when it comes to car safety. Other than the brake warning light, how do you know yours are up to par? Look out for any of the following signs.


Does the car veer to one side when you hit the brake? This could mean that there a problem with the braking system. It could be a stuck caliper, unevenly-worn brake pads, or a damaged brake hose. It could stem from other reasons too but take the car for an inspection just to be safe.

Unresponsive brakes

Obviously, an unresponsive pedal means there is something wrong with your brakes. This could be a result of a broken line, a leak, or not enough brake fluid. Try adding some brake fluid first. If it doesn’t solve the problem, get a tow truck, and have your car inspected.

Hard/soft brake pedal

A hard brake pedal that makes it harder for you to stop is a bad sign. Don’t drive the car before you get those breaks checked. There could be a problem with the brake line or the vacuum system. If it feels too soft, your hydraulic system could be malfunctioning. Check under your car for any leaking brake fluid.

Listen carefully

Is your car making any noise when you brake? This could mean the brake pads have debris in between them, or that they are worn out and need to be replaced. Get it checked ASAP.

Does the car vibrate?

If your car vibrates when you brake and you have no anti-lock brakes, something’s wrong. It is a sign that one or more of your rotor is warped. This happens when a car is overheated or when a driver is too forceful with the brakes. It can also be due to poorly aligned wheels but you should have your car inspected as soon as you can to be on the safe side.

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