DIY Guide to Car Scratch Removal

The bastard who scratched your car deserves to pay. But before that happens, you might want to fix that graze on your car’s perfect coat of paint. Here is how you do it.

How bad is it?

First, take a look at the scratch to assess the damage. Different depth scratches require different fixing methods. If your nail doesn’t catch on the scratch when you run your finger on it, the scratch is shallow and you can probably take care of it with items you already have. If it’s deeper, you’ll need a trip to the nearest auto supply store.

Shallow scratches

Use soapy water to clean the area and then dry it off. Then, get a microfiber cloth and whitening toothpaste (other kinds are okay too but this one works best). Rub a tiny smidge of toothpaste on the scratch with the cloth. Use a circular motion on and around the scratch and apply gentle pressure as you go. (Too much pressure will damage the paint so go easy on it.) After buffing the scratch out, rinse the paste off with a wet microfiber cloth or a hose. If the scratch is gone, you may find the culprit and show them who’s the boss. If it’s still there, repeat the toothpaste routine once or twice more. If you’ve done it three times and the scratch isn’t yielding, it’s time for the big guns. Don’t go for the fourth time. More than three applications will damage the paint.

Deeper scratches

Just like with shallow scratches, start by thoroughly cleaning the scratched area with soapy water. Skipping that part might result in more scratches. Next, get a stretch removal kit. You can find them in hardware stores and auto supply stores. Take a picture of your scratch and show it to the seller to find the right kit for you. These kits come with clear instructions on how to use them.


After buffing according to the instructions, use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe away any excess product. If the kit has different instructions for the product’s removal, follow them. You might need to repeat the treatment 2-3 more times before the scratch is fully gone.

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