Drowsiness Detection Systems; The Next Wave of Automobile Tech

Falling asleep behind the wheel is one of the leading causes of car accidents. It’s far more common than anyone would like to admit. About 50% of drivers in the U.S. consistently drive while drowsy according to the National Sleep Foundation. Thanks to machine learning, drowsiness detection systems are fast becoming integral to the next wave of cutting-edge automobile technology. Using a host of tech like cameras, radar, GPS, sensors, and lasers, the technology can be a gamechanger in reducing the frequency of accidents.
It’s no secret that most car crash fatalities are a result of human error. Getting computers to handle car driving may be an uncomfortable prospect for many. It’s not the only solution, for sure. But with adequate checks and balances, combining human intelligence with machine learning for safer driving heralds an exciting future. The why behind drowsiness detection systems is a no-brainer. How they function deserves much more attention, in our view. Detection systems assess driver alertness in several incredible ways. For instance, they evaluate factors like driving duration or how drivers operate the steering wheel – reminding drivers to take a break if patterns seem off. 

Biology and Facial Characteristics

Algorithms analyze facial characteristics like yawning, blinking, or head movement to indicate drowsiness. Detection systems go further and study minute details like inner and outer eye corners, the tip of the nose, pulse rate, heart rate, and EEG. Varying physiological indicators are accurate ways to determine driver drowsiness.

Vehicle Performance and Behavior

Driver fatigue and vehicle behavior are closely linked. Detection systems continually monitor a car’s speed, angle, and position according to car type, road conditions, and the weather. Together, these elements are telling indicators of drowsiness.


Images and Videos for Analysis

Computers analyze a ton of facial expression images – sorting out useful data and discarding the rest. Similarly, they convert video frames into a series of relevant images.

Active safety technology goes miles ahead in ensuring driver safety. Not only does it evaluate driver behavior but accounts for vehicle performance and surroundings. Early warning systems help drivers prevent accidents altogether or considerably reduce the impact in dangerous situations.

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