Cats Show Their Humans Who’s Boss in These Priceless Photos


Cats are awesome creatures. They can be wonderful companions, and they make such great additions to any family. And, along with all of that, they can also provide some much-needed comic relief. You never know what kind of antics you’ll be dealing with when you’re a fur parent, but you can rest assured that whatever it is, it will probably make your day. Just check out these hilarious pictures of some of the things cat owners deal with on a daily basis.

I Won’t Let Go!

This cat looks like she’s having a bad day. All she wanted to do was sleep soundly and in peace, curled up in a little ball on the top of the couch. But when her owner came through the front door and scared her, she fell off the back and was left grasping on for dear life…okay, or so she thought.

The entire scene is very reminiscent of the infamous ‘Titanic’ scene where Jack is clutching onto the floating debris after the ship has sunk. With how dramatic the cat is being, you’d think she was in a similar situation. Two minutes later, the owner unhooked her claws and she fell an entire 6 inches to the floor! What a tragedy, the poor thing…

I Can’t Go on Like This

Sometimes, a cat’s life is just way too stressful. They only got 16 hours of sleep, instead of their full 18, the food dish wasn’t full to the brim and the dog kept chasing them around the living room. This cat had enough the day this picture was taken.

To confuse the dog and avoid having to run around any circles or jump on countertops to get away, he decided to try and outsmart his canine counterpart by playing dead. It worked, because the dog got bored without the cat running away and gave up. Plus, he fell asleep like that and made up for those 2 extra hours.

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