Someone is Leaving Mashed Potatoes on Cars

There’s a mystery afoot in one Mississippi neighborhood and it involves mashed potatoes. Bowls of these mashed tubers are being left in some stranges places, particularly cars in the Belhaven neighborhood of Jackson. Some residents are left fearful, while others are sure it’s just a prank. “They’ve found them on their cars, as well as in other weird places, like driveways and in gardens…

Is it a Prank?

We aren’t sure if someone is just playing a prank or if someone just had a lot of leftovers,” a bystander told reporters. Someone else said he found a bowl of mashed potatoes left on his vehicle. He posted his discovery on Facebook about the unusual find and later found out that she was not alone. “I got up and was headed to work … and there was just this bowl full of mashed potatoes on our doorstep,” Sebastian Bjernegard, another witness, told the news channel. “Some people thought maybe the mashed potatoes were left as poison to kill animals. I didn’t taste it; I didn’t exactly want to eat it, but some people were worried,” Sebastian responded. This mashed potato shenanigan made some ground during their sneaky deliveries — dropping bowls of mashed potatoes off on several streets, neighbors reported.
This neighborhood is known for being quirky, Lewis said. “We decorate road signs and we also set Christmas trees to cover our potholes, so this prank is not exactly a surprise at all. That’s why I love this neighborhood because they do so many weird things,” she said. “But it’s one of the strangest things I’ve seen since living here in Jackson.” Some on have posted on social media and have referred to those leaving the side dish as the “mashed potato maniac.” Jordan Lewis said she learned from a neighbor that others received the same unasked for surprise. But it was where this neighbor found a bowl of mashed potatoes that surprised her. “My neighbor told me that her friend on Facebook found a bowl in his car this morning, so then I thought ‘Oh, this seems to be happening a lot today?’” Linda Floyd told news reporters. There was no indication that any of the mashed potatoes were consumed, The Clarion-Ledger reports.

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