The Future of Automobiles

The automotive industry is rapidly changing. New technologies are transforming vehicles, and car manufacturers are increasingly focusing on electric cars, automated vehicles, and car-sharing. What’s more, connected technology is opening up possibilities for the future of automation.
The market for connected cars shows extraordinary potential for growth. Conveniences like connected maps, emergency dispatch, and internet radio are already on the rise, and it’s only a matter of time before they are a pervasive presence. Tesla Motors is one of the first players to introduce semi-autonomous driving capabilities. TCU, the Telematics Control Unit, is a revolutionary technological development in connected cars.

The Electric Car

The Electric Car was the first in the transformation of the automotive industry. When it first came about, experts envisioned its utility in specific conditions; interestingly, they wanted public transport to go electric before private vehicles.


Today, electric cars are gradually emerging as a viable alternative for regular vehicles that are harmful to the environment. The most significant aspect of electric cars is that they embody the idea of environment-friendly transportation, reducing particle and greenhouse gas emissions. In the future, powerful hybrid or electric engines are likely to replace internal combustion engines altogether.

The Autonomous Car

It is by far the most enthralling revolution in the world of cars; visualize a future where you will be able to travel anywhere without needing a driver! This isn’t a scene from a futuristic sci-fi kind of movie – this is the future of vehicles.


Cruise control has already been a reality for a number of years, where drivers can fix a cruising speed and lift their feet off the pedals. Today, some cars make it possible for the driver to let go of the steering wheel entirely, in certain situations. Sounds scary? Well, actually, it’s a lot safer than the traditional system of driving!

The next stage in the revolution? Complete autonomy. The human eye will be replaced by a complex, intelligent system of cameras, sensors, and lasers that will recreate the environment in real-time in 3D, allowing navigation decisions to be made independently.

Connected Cars

In order for cars to be autonomous and still make the right decisions, they need to access the right information from the outside world, right from the weather conditions and traffic situations, to service stations. In the future, with the help of various sensors, cars will be able to connect with other vehicles for various purposes. What’s more, passengers can relax and keep themselves occupied with Wi-Fi, entertainment, and media. Ain’t that a fine scenario!

Marching Into the Future

Digitization has played a monumental role in helping manufacturers integrate innovative and intelligent systems into their vehicles. App-controlled assistance for breakdown, anti-theft protective systems, emergency detectors – these are no longer mere ideas on paper!

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