Top shop window display for ‘futuristic’ Porsche 911

Car News

Selfridges - eroded Porsche 911

Porsche 911 with a difference is the star of the prestigious Corner Shop space at Selfridges department store in London’s Oxford Street over the festive season.

“The House” by New York-based artist Daniel Arsham is a modern take on the holiday season, reimagining the family home and a selection of goods to represent the distant future of 3019.

Daniel’s work revolves around the concept of archaeology and time erosion – taking familiar, everyday objects and transforming them to create other worldly artefacts that could have been discovered on a geological dig decades from now.

Selfridges - eroded Porsche 911

“I’ve always wanted to create a functional car that was degraded and eroded, but was still driveable,” says Daniel.

“We took the 911 apart and recast all the sections… trying to piece that whole thing back together was crazy.

“I’ve always taken an approach with my work to try and reach audiences that are somewhat out of the typical art-viewing crowd.

“It’s about placing artwork in a context that’s unexpected and something people wouldn’t typically find in a place like Selfridges.”

Selfridges - eroded Porsche 911

The attention to detail extends to 911’s custom interior, which has been trimmed in a bespoke, handcrafted cloth material that has been further personalised by the artist.

The car is on show every day until 5 January 2020.

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